by Vicki Trustrum

This prophetic word was given at the NZ Council of Prophets gathering in Christchurch, March 2023.

In praying about this year I felt the LORD say, “This is the year of the Good Shepherd.”

In prayer I felt the LORD say…”This is a year of coming together, converging, alignment and unity, because it is the year of the Good Shepherd. I’m gathering the many flocks together to realise that they are one in Me, to rejoice in their differences, to share their resources and ideas, to see the equipping of the saints for the work of My Kingdom. This is a year that I, as the Good Shepherd, am equipping all, because “all” will be needed for the next phase of what’s coming – a fresh move of My Spirit. I will be refining, purifying, and preparing the Bride for the next level of encounter, but it will mean that some will walk through the valley of the shadow of death. It’s not Me who has done this, but I will walk them through, and it will be for the strengthening of their heart and their decision to follow Me. I will bring My flock to still waters for refreshing, I will prepare a banquet feast in the midst of their enemies, and this will be to bring you together. No 5-fold ministry is higher than any other; “all” are to equip My sheep for what’s ahead. The converging shows how many there are who have chosen to lay down their lives for Me. This is to strengthen all of you. Gird up. encourage, and release the fire of My Spirit in you for the next level – a fresh move of My Spirit, like it has not been seen before. Don’t judge what’s beginning to happen now, but rejoice and ask for more, because this is only the beginning. What’s happening is just an appetizer. Wait on Me, draw close, and let Me lead you. I am the Good Shepherd.”

There is a mix of metaphors in here, but I believe the mix is to remind us to not forget that we are His sheep, but we are also His saints, servants and co-heirs in His Kingdom, but also we are His Bride. At a meeting last week, as a guest prophet was speaking, I had a vision; ‘I saw a Bridal gown laid out on a chair ready.” The LORD has the gown ready for us and the time is drawing near. Rev.19:6-8, “And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, “Alleluia! For the[a] Lord God Omnipotent reigns! Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.”

Main Points:

  • He is wanting to lead us as the Good Shepherd.

  • There will be some difficulties and trials, but He will lead us through to refreshing and feasting.

  • The trials are for refining, purifying and preparation.

  • We are His sheep, His people and ultimately His Bride. The Bride is being made ready!



Vicki has been in ministry since 1984, on the Pastoral Team at Spreydon Baptist until March 1993. Three years in Hawaii at the University of the Nations (YWAM) on School of Worship staff. Then YWAM in Germany for 2 years. In 2000 moving into her own ministry in Germany, ministering in Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa and Zambia, Australia and New Zealand. End of 2014 she moved back to Christchurch after 18 years in Germany. She is now based in Christchurch, her home town, continuing her ministry in the areas of Worship, the Prophetic, Intercession, Spiritual Warfare, Living in the Glory, Fatherheart and more. Her call is: "To equip the Saints for works of service expanding the Kingdom of God, and that the body of Christ may be built up." Eph. 4:12 For more info