


by Ian Johnson

February 2023

In a waking dream I found myself in what looked like a war room.

The room was full of what looked like electronic walls, or panels, and the main feature of the war room was what looked like an electronic view of Yeshua Jesus. The panel that had the image of Christ in it was glowing and very bright. However the other panels, the outer panels, although they had some light in them they were not bright like the main panel.

I heard a voice say, “I’m about to pour out My Spirit so that the image of Christ will be seen in every aspect of the body of Christ. Currently there is some light in all of the body of Christ, but as My Spirit is poured out over all the earth the image of Christ will be the main aspect of what you will see when you look at the body of Christ.”

This, it seems, is a move of the Holy Spirit on all the earth. This is a move of His Spirit to bring life back to aspects of the body of Christ – while there is life, it’s not the life that reflects the Image of Christ.

So my prayer when I see this dream is, “Lord, breathe upon Your body and bring forth Your image in all of the body.”

Because it was a War Room I seemed to know instinctively that the battle was shifting, that the war had shifted, that the balance of power was shifting, that the body of Christ was shifting into a new mode, into a new model, so that that which is in heaven shall also be seen on earth. This excites me greatly because the War Room is where the decisions in heaven are made; they come out of the heart of God, and out of the heart of God comes the mind of God for all of mankind today. I believe that the Lord was showing me that He’s about to light up the body of Christ, bringing her back into where she is supposed to stand – in the very image of Christ!


Prayer is not just us coming to God with a list of requests. As part of our relationship with Him, it is us having a conversation with the Lord, which involves talking and listening on both sides. The following prayer points are some things you can talk to Him about in regards to this prophetic word.

  • Pray for an awakening in the Body of Christ to our need for revival and reformation so that we may reflect the image of Christ in a godly and healthy way.

  • Pray for a spirit of repentance to come upon us as we see where we have not reflected and represented the Lord well.

  • Pray that God-given strategies for much-needed change would be released to the church, so that the world will see the church function and be as she is meant to be – full of the love, grace, and power of God.



Ian Johnson is an itinerant prophetic revelator and revivalist from Auckland, teaching and activating with fresh mana from the Word. He and his wife, Joye, minister together, encouraging the body of Christ to move into revival and the Glory realm.

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