


by Josh Klinkenberg

March 2020

This morning, 16th March 2020, as I was getting ready for the day and sorting out the kids I felt the Lord drop something so deeply into my Spirit. Even though I was awake it woke me up in a powerful way. God began to show me something and speak to me. 

There is a pattern throughout history on every scale – personal, national, and international – that the enemy has used to try and preempt great moves of God and replace them with a work of his own. His goal is always the same – to inject fear, hate, chaos, and hopelessness into hearts in an effort to abort the coming move of God. 

I sensed the Lord say…

“This contagious virus that has spread throughout the earth and has stolen the attention of every government and news agency is the enemy’s work that I am going to use to prophecy My great global move that is already underway. 

This great awakening that I have spoken of through My prophets for over a hundred years now is going to be like a contagious virus that spreads from person to person in every place and throughout every nation. 

The impact of this Awakening will be unprecedented, unpredictable, and even unseen for a great amount of time. Initially the media will attempt to ignore it, governments will not think anything of it, and people will just play it off as optimism and excitement. But like a virus I will spread from heart to heart in every conversation. In the same way that the virus of the enemy is caught through coughs and sneezes, the virus of My Spirit will spread with the same ease. Even the shadow of the believer will cause an awakening in others as they pass them by on the street. 

As the virus of My Spirit spreads, it will get to the point where it can no longer be ignored. Nations, governments, news agencies, and stock markets will begin to take notice and from there it will accelerate at an unexpected rate. 

In the same way that nations have shut down their borders and mass gatherings and sports events, so too this move will cause such a massive disruption to the routine of the world. Where this virus has emptied stadiums, closed boarders, and created isolation, the virus of My Spirit will fill stadiums spontaneously with the beauty of worship and prayer; it will open closed nations and bring connection on an international level in ways that have not ever been experienced. Governments will make national declarations changing operations to revolve around the move of My Spirit. 

Everything will change! Even those who are not interested in what I am doing will have to change what they do to cater for this Awakening. 

Businesses, schools, universities, traffic flow, sporting events, restaurants, trade hours, stock markets, everything will be affected by and caused to revolve around the move of My Spirit. 

The key for this time is to keep Your eyes on Me. The waves, the storm, the chaos is all an illusion, a distraction, noise, that is designed to steal your attention from Me. 

Stay focused and fixed on Me. In doing so you will remain in hope, joy, peace and love. This is what will cause you to be a contagious carrier of the virus of My Spirit. 

It’s time. The Global outbreak of My Kingdom is here! It’s wildly contagious, dangerously good, and there is absolutely no “cure” for it – it’s unstoppable. Go infect the world with My Spirit!”



Josh Klinkenberg is one of New Zealand’s emerging prophetic voices. Josh and his wife Amberley run Inflame Ministries and minister across the nations. Their heart and passion is to see revival come to New Zealand and to see prophetic worship and the fire of God return to the worship within the church. As well as their ministry here and overseas, Inflame Ministries runs an online academy, worship school, music label, publishing house and recording studio. For more info... 

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