



by David Peters

September 2020


(The following are some prophetic insights and direction given to David Peters by the Lord in regards to the work He is doing in the church today.)

There are some significant global paradigm shifts taking place in the church today. A paradigm shift occurs when the Holy Spirit brings a new and clearer understanding of Biblical truth to the worldwide church resulting in a change of thinking and behaviour.  It would be difficult to know every shift taking place, but some are:

The shift from Church to Kingdom

– seeing beyond the local church and viewing all sectors of society as important to God. The local church becomes an agent of the Kingdom and releases its people to bring God’s presence and grace into all the places they go. For example, businesspeople are seen not only as providers for the church, but change agents and ministers of God in the field of commerce.  Nurturing children for a mother becomes as important as preaching for a pastor.

The shift from Tithing to Stewardship

it is not enough to give ten percent or more of our income but we also need to steward wisely the other ninety percent. Then God can entrust us with many more resources to use. People give and expect God to bless them, but if they are careless stewards of what is left, why should He? Generous giving and prudent living are the secrets of a prosperous life.

The shift from Programmes to Presence

– all over the world the Holy Spirit is creating hunger for the presence of God. Church programs and structured meetings are good, but God’s presence is better. In fact, it’s not either/or but both/and. Churches that pursue the supernatural without some structure and order may become sloppy. Conversely, some churches are so programmed, that people ask, “Is this all there is? Is it just the same old, same old all the time?” And they are not asking in a narcissistic way, but out of hunger. God wants to create churches that have structure, excellence, and the manifest presence and power of God.

The shift from Routine to Intimacy

plugging in. We are called to relationship not religious routine. When Greta and I were courting I would email, text, phone, and travel distances to see her. It was not an obligatory routine, but the joy of growing love and intimacy. God is looking for people who delight in Him so that spiritual disciplines are a joy not an obligation. 

The shift from being Orphans to being Sons/Daughters

when Adam and Eve sinned, they were ejected from their home, Eden, and lost relationship with their Father. The earth became an orphan planet and everyone since has been born with an orphan heart. Jesus came to restore us back to being sons and daughters. Orphans see God as a master; sons see Him as a loving Father. Orphans live by the love of the law; sons live by the law of love. Orphans must be holy to earn God’s favour; sons want to be holy because they don’t want anything to hinder intimacy with Him.

The shift from Striving to Rest

God is shifting us from driven, performance-based Christianity to Spirit-led, at-rest Christianity. Rest comes from the revelation of sonship – we don’t need to perform to be accepted. Rather we rest in God’s favour and love because Jesus has purchased these for us on the cross. From that position we serve Him and ministry becomes more effortless. We work from rest, not merely rest from work. Contemplative prayer (called ‘soaking’ by some), once confined to monastic orders and historic churches, is making a comeback because of this reason.

The shift from Creed to Deed

the Protestant reformation begun by Martin Luther was a reformation of creed (salvation is by faith). The current shift is a reformation of deed (faith apart from works is dead). God is calling believers to authentic Christ-like lives that demonstrate practical love and supernatural power to a world lost in hopelessness.

Seasons of shift can be uncomfortable as we leave the comfort of the familiar and embrace the new. Change can be painful, but it is worth it in the end. God is forming a radiant Bride in the earth for his Son Jesus, a Bride that will accurately reflect Him to the world. Let’s move with Him into this new season in history.




David Peters has long been recognised as a Prophet, both within New Zealand and internationally. He and his wife Greta are the founders of SpiritLife Ministries and are currently based at Church Unlimited, a large, multicultural church in Auckland. They travel extensively both within New Zealand and overseas, inspiring people to have unwavering hope despite life’s circumstances and equipping them to operate in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in daily life. For more info...

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