by Lynley Allan

This prophetic word was given at the NZ Council of Prophets gathering in Christchurch, March 2023.


OVERALL - NZ is turning a corner. 2023 is a pivotal year.

The Father is jealous for New Zealand to fulfil her purpose. His immense love is burning towards this nation. I believe and prophesy the tide is turning. God has declared enough!

New Zealand, you are turning the corner from being on a road where you are contending with confusion and robbery, onto a new path that will restore to you what I, the Lord, have ordained for you, yet has been taken. I am declaring an end to the robbery and releasing grace upon you to rise again in the glory of your purpose.

1) To government - a pivotal time for NZ.

The Lord is saying to the people who sit in governmental roles, “You have put a political and financial burden of restriction on agriculture and farming, and have dishonoured the purpose I have given New Zealand to be a land rich in resources for your prosperity – to be a garden for the South Pacific and to feed the nations.

Through this dishonour you have opened the door for the enemy to bring destruction upon the very thing that I have blessed NZ to be. Because that has happened, My hand will remove those working against My will. I am moving upon your land, NZ, to redeem what has been taken and to heal what has been broken. I am restoring to the farmers land and resource. I am restoring the fattened calf – the choicest of animals and produce that bring the highest return.

For I am calling out to My beloved New Zealand, you will rise within the nations as a light at the beginning of every day, with My favour upon you, and nations will see and call you blessed.”

2) The Lord says, NZ I am removing from you the yoke of slavery that has been put on you by global leaders to be the test case and experiment for their own agenda.

Yes you are called to be a nation of innovation and firsts. What you once thought was a privilege – to be able to trial new innovations – the enemy has twisted the call to be first into something that has trapped and enslaved you. I, the Lord, have seen your distress and will put an end to this.

You are not going to be called anymore ‘the test nation’, ‘the experimenting place for the nations’. For I am removing that label from you, and I am healing the scars and damage that has come through being a place where the nations trial everything out on you first.

The landslide that you have seen in the natural that has decimated farming and agriculture, that is nothing in comparison to the landslide of My Spirit that is going to move through your nation, bringing liberty and restoration.

I heard the Lord say, “My breath of life is blowing afresh upon your land and upon your people, NZ. For I am breathing upon the seat of government with a freshness of My Spirit that will break the spirit of oppression that has tried to suffocate.

I am now positioning my sons and daughters in government that have a heart for Me in the secret place. For I judge by the heart, I judge by the motivations of the heart, and I'm bringing now a change in government to fulfil My will for New Zealand.

I am positioning spiritual Davids in your midst to lead with a heart like David – a heart that is for Me. People may view these as the least likely, but they are My chosen ones, for In the secret place their heart is for Me, and I see that.

I am now putting My hand on a spiritual David to lead, and David's army warriors that have faithfully stood on the front lines, I am now moving them forward and releasing them to war for My purposes in New Zealand.”

3) Leadership anointing

“New Zealand, I will make you the head and not the tail within global relationships (Deut 28:13). I'm bestowing upon you a leadership mantle to lead where you have followed. Even though you may be small to the world, and you see yourself as small in your own sight (1 Sam 15:17) in this era, you will rise in prominence, find a new stride in leadership, and make pathways for others to follow.”

I heard the Lord say, “I have called you, New Zealand, to be a standard in the nations, I've called you to innovate for the nations. I have called you to pioneer for the nations. I have called you to be a nation that sees the first of my glorious light every day. You are to be first, not last.

I just speak to global leaders and declare, “You will no longer look to New Zealand to be that place of testing and trialing of social, economic, and financial experiments.” The Lord says, “I am removing that label from you now."

4) New Zealand will become her own ecosystem

I see New Zealand becoming an ecosystem of life within its own shores. There is a time coming that we will need to draw upon our God given natural resources that will cause NZ to flourish in a time of global energy crisis. There will be a necessity to reopen the oil wells and also drill new wells, which will be mined with new technology that will change the way we draw resource from the land.

NZ will begin to separate from the global system of governing and will reform ways of national governance. The nations are seeking answers to problems they have no solutions for, and they will stand amazed at what God has blessed us with. God is releasing wisdom and revelation upon us that will develop and become a gift to the world.

Education in agriculture will grow

I prophesy to the education sector, “Get ready to expand your student capacity for training courses in Agriculture, Horticulture, Viticulture and Farming.” For the Lord says, “I am putting it on the hearts of this generation to be drawn to study agriculture and farming. For New Zealand there is a time coming where you need to be largely self sufficient. I'm now positioning a generation to be able to farm for the future success of NZ.”

There will be a increase of micro farms throughout the nation. There are micro farm plans on God’s heart that He wants to release into your nation. These micro farms will become part of a national ecosystem of agriculture and farming that will sustain the nation in the years ahead.



Lynley and Stuart Allan are Senior Pastors of Catch The Fire Auckland Church and are on fire to see revival sweep this nation. Lynley has ministered internationally for over 15 years teaching and activating people in the prophetic and most recently birthed a School of Revelation in Toronto in 2016. She is a recognised prophetic voice and is part of the Catch The Fire World Prophetic Counsel who have a mandate to shape the prophetic culture of the movement. Lynley is passionate to raise up healthy prophetic voices that accurately communicate the heart beat of Father God. She carries an anointing for transformation and sees many released into Sonship through her ministry. Click here for more info...