by Libby Huirua

February 2023

Around May 2022 I had a picture of a dark, swirling, frenzied atmosphere (like a scene out of a Batman movie!). It was oppressive, heavy and chaotic. But then portals started opening up in the midst of this scene and light was streaming down through these portals, which represented a connection between heaven and earth. It was an awesome scene – portals of light opening up all over that chaotic scene, not centred in any one place, carrying His life-giving light and presence.

A few days ago, I sensed God saying: “There are pockets of My Presence popping up everywhere – don’t be surprised at where you see these “presence pockets” popping up!”

Do you remember as a kid, playing with balls in the water and trying with all your might to hold them under, but then they would pop out of the water, sometimes in a completely different place? You couldn’t hold them under, they had to pop up! That’s the sense I get with this…

I believe we are in the middle of a “NON LOCATIONAL revival!” His manifest presence is busting out all over the earth! In the past there has been a temptation to go to a place where God is moving and try and “catch” what He’s doing. But this is different; what God is doing in this season is different! Like those balls in the water, His manifest presence is popping up in so many different places and it’s so exciting to see what He is doing!

God is omnipresent, obviously, but I sense He’s wanting to MANIFEST His beautiful presence not in specific locations, but in and through ANY ready hearts, anywhere on the globe.

Let’s humble ourselves, pray, seek Him, turn from sin, and hunger after His presence in our private times first. Let’s intentionally spend time in the secret place with Him, listening to what He’s saying and doing, and then simply walk that out with Him daily. Let’s keep our eyes elevated and fixed on Jesus and what He’s doing. If we bring our own presence-saturated, humble and hungry selves to our corporate gatherings, portals will open! Pockets of His manifest presence will continue to pop up all over the globe!

But not just in church – let’s believe for portals in work places, portals in schools, portals in families and households. Don’t be surprised at where these “presence pockets” pop up!


Prayer is not just us coming to God with a list of requests. As part of our relationship with Him, it is us having a conversation with the Lord, which involves talking and listening on both sides. The following are some points to ponder on and talk to Him about in regards to this prophetic word.

  • What can you do to intentionally create greater space in your daily world to connect more intimately with Jesus?

  • What does your private worship involve at the moment? 

  • Knowing that Jesus has paid the price to set you free, how do you respond to that freedom in your daily life? What might you need to let go of, surrender to Him, to really walk in that freedom? 

  • In response to all He's done, ask Him to show you what you need to do to facilitate a pocket of His presence in your own life and world. 



Libby Huirua loves Jesus. Her passion for Jesus, and for prophetic encounters in His presence, has allowed her to minister and lead worship all over the world for decades. Libby is an ordained minister with the Acts Churches of NZ, and on the pastoral staff of Equippers Church Auckland (home for 30+ years). She is also on the staff at Equippers College, where she and her husband Wayne direct the Worship Stream, training another generation of worship musicians and leaders.
Libby can be contacted at

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