


by Lyn Packer

In this post I want to share about our first New Zealand Prophetic Network regional gathering and also give some detail from the prophetic words that were shared on the night by three of the regions recognized prophetic ministers.

Over 40 people got together for an evening of fellowship, discussion, hearing from three senior prophets and prayer. Many people commented to me that they had waited for something like this (for years in some cases).

During the evening we gathered into small groups and each person shared a little about him or herself, and one of the good things the Lord had shown them that He wants to do in the Bay of Plenty region. That small group time went very well, with word after word confirming what others had heard the Lord say to them.

Also during the evening Stephen Hanson, Maggie Bowcock and Lyn Packer shared what the Lord had laid on their heart for this year. The following is a breakdown of the main points from each. 

Stephen Hanson

Isaiah 35 and 1 Kings 17 are key scriptural promises the Lord is highlighting in 2017 for our region and nation.                                                                            

Isaiah 35

God speaks to Israel about the future restoration of what the Lord has declared coming to Israel. This passage speaks of restoration. We are going to see healing and reconciliation in our land.

Verses 1 and 2: ‘The wilderness and wastelands shall be glad’…

  • The streams in the desert, in place of barrenness, ‘there will be a river of my anointing’.
  • The wasteland will be revived.

Verse 3 ‘Strengthen the weak hands and make the feeble hands strong’.

  • This speaks of courage of heart to step forward.

Verse 4 ‘Be strong and do not fear’.

  • This speaks of stepping forth in the Lord. We will see the manifestation of justice against our enemies, and deliverance in these areas.

Verse 5 ‘the eyes of the blind will be open, ears will be unstopped’

  • Speaks of a place of awakening in the prophetic.
  • Where the prophetic has been voiceless to a degree,there is a raising up  and increase of the prophetic voice. Where there’s a dullness, the Lord is restoring sight and hearing with greater sensitivity.
  • Spiritual sight and miracles will increase this year. Greater measure of seers, prophetic anointing, seeing in the realm of the spirit, and deaf ears will be unstopped.

Verse 6: ‘The parched ground shall become a pool…

Verse 7: the habitation of jackels

  • God will remove and dislodge the ‘jackals’ in communities and regions, ie. the tormenting things of darkness.
  • Healing deliverance and redemption of troubled areas.
  • Peace restoration and rest coming to areas.
  • A highway of holiness- a greater place of distinguishing and separation from compromise.
  • There is greater place of walking in purity and soundness. Sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

Verse 9 and 10:

  • There will be joy and celebration.
  • A greater walk in gladness comes because of the manifestation of promises coming. We will enjoy the fruit of what comes forth.

1 Kings 17

  • The son was brought back to life and sons were providers, protectors and carried inheritance in ancient times. The loss of her son speaks of lost strength and fruitfulness.
  • The widow is a picture of the Church, and the sons speak of walking in father’s footsteps and sons emulating their father.
  • This passage is a metaphor of the prophetic anointing that will be awakened – the sons will be awakened, as in Malachi 4:6, in the turning of hearts and restoration of generational things.
  • The Spirit of Elijah is a picture of the breath of God and the prophetic anointing. This year, the spirit of God is going to breathe and revive. Dreams and ministries have died, or stopped at a certain place, not come into maturity. The prophetic anointing will revive that and bring these things into maturity.
  • God is restoring and breathing life into this generation. He is talking to us about emulation, reproduction, and the Lord reviving relationships in families. It will equip and empower. What has died prematurely, the Lord will raise those things back to life by His Spirit.

Oil and Alignment

There is a fresh anointing upon people to minister, where we lay hands on people and anoint them in priestly anointing. Oil speaks of ministry and service.

Joshua 3 speaks of crossing over the Jordan River, and Joshua 6 speaks of the walls of Jericho.

  • These verses highlight the positioning in an army and a ‘crossing over’ – that people will take their rightful place.
  • There will be alignment across the denominations and relationally in our city and also our nation, and the joining up of right relationships.
  • There will be a move in the marketplace and a strengthening of relationships.
  • There will be an increase of the intercessory anointing, and prayer will increase this year in this region. We will see people giving themselves to the Lord in prayer, and the oil also speaks of this.

Maggie Bowcock

"I urge then that all prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live quiet and peaceful lives in all holiness and godliness. This is good and pleases God." 1 Timothy 2.1-4

This word started last year during the American election campaign. I felt that God was saying that our eyes were all on what was happening overseas and that we need to turn them back to our own nation and government, as there were things going on here under the radar, and we were distracted. A couple of months after that prompting, the NZ government shocked the Christian community by voting in favour of UN Resolution 2334, to split Jerusalem and give that and some of the settlement territory to the Palestinians.

  • I believe God is say that the church has not prayed as we ought for our Government and that, He, the Lord, was giving NZ, as it were, a 'shot across the bow', a warning, that we are not a godly nation and it is time for the church to get busy and do something about it. That we are not helpless bystanders, but rather we are the ones who pray and release the will of God into the heavenlies through prayer, so that heaven's plans can then be worked out as God does move on the hearts of ‘kings’ or rulers in our nation.  It is now imperative that the spiritual kings and rulers (that’s us) pray.
  • 1 Timothy1-4.  That scripture goes on to say –THAT WE MAY LIVE QUIET AND PEACEFUL LIVES IN ALL HOLINESS AND GODLINESS.  God is not dangling a carrot that cannot be achieved. His will is for our nation to live quietly and at peace.
  • I saw a picture of New Zealand floating in the ocean, anchorless and rudderless, drifting dangerously and being tossed around with the currents. This is a picture of the current condition of our nation. We have no foundation that effectively anchors us in truth; we have no stabilizers. We need to see the foundation of God’s Word and truth being relaid in this nation. We will be in turmoil if God doesn’t intervene.
  • A scripture came to mind – Isa 66:6-8 "Hear that roar from the city – hear that noise from the temple, it is the sound of the lord repaying his enemies all they deserve, before she goes into labour she gives birth, before the pains come upon her she delivers a son. Who has ever heard of such a thing, who has ever seen such things or can a nation be brought forth in a day?"
  • God is calling us to make a noise in the temple (Isa 66:6b) through warfare prayer and high praises to God, as these are our spiritual warfare weapons. It’s a targeted war. We are to war over our Government leaders and rulers. We are to war for the release of souls, as this is a season of ingathering, and we are to war for a release of the power of God on the church.
  • Isa 66:6a - to make uproar in the city speaks of releasing power of God. When the apostles went to their market places there was always uproar because God's power was breaking out through the presence of the anointing they carried.
  • This is a year to see a supernatural river of God's power in the market place. It’s not to be contained in the temple. The Lord is rallying the troops and commissioning the church to arise and pray for the enemies of the Lord to be defeated in this nation. It is a sobering, but a delightful, call. There will be pain for our nation if we are tardy, but that can be bypassed if we ‘create the uproar in the city and the noise in the temple’.
  • The picture in Ezekiel 37, of the valley of the dry bones, where the Lord was blowing His breathe on them and they were coming to life and growing flesh and sinews and the bones were supernaturally joining TOGETHER - this is a picture of the body coming together in unity. This unity that He is releasing now is a supernatural move of His Spirit. There has been a lot of effort from man to create unity, and at times we, the church, have laboured under condemnation over the lack of unity between us. The valley of dry bones is a picture of the Body, the church, lying down, but it is also a picture of us dying to self, and as the Lord breathes on us we stand up - "they stood up, a mighty army."
  • The four winds represent all the earth. This is a worldwide move of God that He is inviting the church in New Zealand to be part of. We are to position ourselves to receive the breath of God. It is here.

Those were the points I felt to expound. The groundswell in the spirit of the prayers of previous generations, along with the current generations, is breaking the banks and there is going to be an uprooting of doctrines and a shifting of mindsets that are not aligned with the purposes of God - in individual lives, and corporately. In many ways this year we are going to see the best of times and the worst of times. However the key thing that I believe God is saying is that if we are ready and willing, He is here to endue us with more of His power from on high, and if we will pray fervently for our Government we will be spared the pain of labour to bring forth the purposes of God. Rather than wandering in the wilderness, and drifting aimlessly on the ocean, ruled by the loudest voice of the time, we must enable our nation to step into alignment with God's timetable through adhering to 1 Tim 2:1-4 and through discerning the times of the move of God to connect the Body in unity, according to His Spirit's enabling.

2017 is the year for our nation to change direction and walk in the furrows God desires for it. It is the year where we must discern the sign of the times. 

Lyn Packer

Lyn shared from the word the Lord gave her for 2017. Click here to read that word.

Visions from that night

Some also saw visions that night relating to the Bay of Plenty region, and the things that the prophets were sharing.

  • As she drove into Tauranga, one woman saw a vision of a big light shining on Bethlehem, and it was coming through Judea.  (Note from Lyn - After praying into it I believe that the Lord is saying that He is bringing a fresh focus on this region, and bringing in those needed for the work He is doing here.  From Scripture we see Bethlehem being the place of the birthing and revealing of the Lord Jesus Christ, and Judea representing going out to other regions of influence. In this case the vision showed light flowing through Judea (the outer regions) into Bethlehem, the place of revealing Christ. That speaks of those God is bringing in from many other regions to help in what He is doing in this region.)

Fiona Dieleman, an emerging prophetic minister in the business and church arenas in the Bay of Plenty, saw three visions that evening,

  • “As we began to pray in our small groups for the nation and the other things that Steven and Maggie and Lyn had spoken about, I saw (in a closed eye vision), the room being flooded with angels. They were collecting our prayers in the form of pieces of paper, and leaving with them to action those prayers.”
  • “As Lyn was speaking I saw an angel roll a large wood wine barrel into Tauranga. The angel stood the barrel on its' end, opened it up, and dipped a cup ladle into it and offered it to a line of people. I knew that this barrel contained unity of the saints, but that it was up to us individually whether we wanted to come and sup from that barrel and drink from the cup of unity.“
  • As Lyn was finishing speaking I saw a map of New Zealand (it was green and it had a yellow outline around it). I am not sure what significance those colours have. The yellow outline however was moving away from, and changing shape from, the NZ shape. Then I saw it come back in and hug the NZ shape snugly again.

I think this vision is to do with Maggie speaking about our slackness in not praying for, and watching over, our nation as we should be. I sensed from the Holy Spirit that He was saying that the yellow border that is our protection had come loose, and we were going to lose our identity and calling. This was represented by the slackness of the fit of the border and it was allowing others to determine who we are as a nation. 

As the border came back to a snug fit around the nation, I sensed that our gathering, our prayer and unity had bought correction and realignment back into the nation. That our prayers had now given God the mandate He needed to continue to bring our nation into the fullness of its calling.

Some words of explanation in regard to this last vision (from Lyn Packer) - The colour green in prophetic imagery usually represents - Flourishing, life, provision, nations, fruitfulness, rest (Ps 23:2-3). The colour yellow represents Joy, happiness, glory revealed, intellect, energy.

So in this vision the colour green represents the flourishing or fruitfulness of our nation and the yellow represents the ‘glory revealed’, both to us, and through us. We are in danger of our nation's glory moving off our nation (both losing our grip on truth, and losing our place of calling and destiny) if we are careless. We are being called back to a place of prayer so that we do not lose our glory, or destiny, and so that we may be fruitful in the plans that the Lord has for us as a nation.


Stephen Hanson


Stephen Hanson is originally from Australia, and has spent the last 10 years living in Kansas City, USA, and Tauranga, New Zealand. Stephen has been involved in leadership, teaching, and equipping the Body of Christ for many years, and is a respected and accurate prophetic voice in New Zealand and internationally. He carries a 'breaker' prophetic anointing that brings alignment and momentum, and helps people move into a greater walking out of their identity and calling.

He is especially passionate about equipping and empowering a younger generation into a lifestyle of wholehearted devotion and intimacy with God, and in training them in the prophetic and in intercession for the nations. Stephen is currently part of the leadership team at Hope Centre, Tauranga, with his wife Rechelle, and is also involved in leading the prophetic ministry there.

Maggie Bowcock


Maggie Bowcock has been a prophetic minister/seer and intercessor for over 30 years. During that time she has been used by the Lord in a wide range of arenas such as Church Leadership, Education and the Arts. Over the years Maggie has trained up believers to move in their prophetic gifting through teaching and preaching in prophetic schools and conferences, and she has ministered in New Zealand, Australia, Vanuatu, and Tonga. She is a ground-breaker prophet and has been used to open up a way for the Spirit to move in hard places, and to establish things at a foundational level. She loves to encourage those who are not functioning in a place of public prominence.

Lyn Packer


Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...

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