


by Vicki Trustrum

March 2020

This prophetic word was shared at the NZ Prophetic Round Table in Christchurch, February 2020.

In December I got the word Deployment and, in meditating on it, I believe the Lord is saying, ”The year 2020 will be a year of Deployment for the Body of Christ in New Zealand.”

So what does Deployment mean?

  1. It is a movement of troops or equipment to a place or position, or

  2. The action of bringing resources into effective action.

There are various biblical examples but the one that kept coming back to me was Joshua 1:1-9.

As followers of Christ we are all saved, healed, equipped and deployed, in other words “sent out.” I believe the Lord is saying that it is time to deploy people in the Body for the Kingdom of God. Many have been doing jobs and roles within the Kingdom exceedingly well, but they have not been in their right place or position. There will be shifts that take place to free them up into their rightful place. With deployment comes a cost and often a resistance. The cost of maybe having to move out of one role, place, city or church, to move to another place, to be in alignment. (This is similar to the word I had last year about alignment, but I believe it is part of the ongoing changes needed.) There is also the cost of those letting people go, so that they can “go.” Rom. 10:14-15 There may be resistance, people who are unhappy with the changes, moves and deployment, but it is necessary for effective action and the best use of resources and freeing people to follow their call.

Joshua was deployed by God with words that can comfort us. “Be strong and courageous.” He had been deployed to bring the people into the promised land and 3 times Yahweh exhorts him to be strong and courageous. When you are deployed you need to be strong and courageous; ask any soldier, they know. But you won’t succeed in v.9 without v8 Meditating on God’s Word. I believe the LORD is exhorting us to “Know His Word and know Him!” In combat the soldier needs to know the “word” of the Commander, and so do we.

I believe the Lord is saying that this is a year of growing in knowing Him and walking closer with Him through His word and His call into deployment. Some may shift roles, jobs, churches, cities or even countries because of that deployment, but it’s all part of aligning us for the move of God that is starting to happen, and we have to have sharp focus and vision to go forward in this decade. It’s about releasing the whole Body into action, and not just a few. It will require commitment, discipline and a willingness, but it will shift many into their rightful positions and call. The Lord is raising up warriors and pioneers in our nation to raise His standard and righteousness. It is a time of coming together in unity and purpose to release people into their roles, to be deployed and effective for the Kingdom of God, however that may look, and wherever that may be. The Lord is raising up a fresh understanding of what it means to be the Body of Christ in Aotearoa and is sending us out to bear fruit in our lives, the lives of others, and for the Kingdom. (John. 15:16) This is a year of harvest to deploy the harvesters, sorters, and those to disciple.

Isaiah 46:9 Remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, 10 declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,’

As a Selah moment: “Good solutions are based on the efficient and wise deployment of resources and people.” (Cambridge Advanced Dictionary)



Vicki has been in ministry since 1984, on the Pastoral Team at Spreydon Baptist until March 1993. Three years in Hawaii at the University of the Nations (YWAM) on School of Worship staff. Then YWAM in Germany for 2 years. In 2000 moving into her own ministry in Germany, ministering in Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa and Zambia, Australia and New Zealand. End of 2014 she moved back to Christchurch after 18 years in Germany. She is now based in Christchurch, her home town, continuing her ministry in the areas of Worship, the Prophetic, Intercession, Spiritual Warfare, Living in the Glory, Fatherheart and more. Her call is: "To equip the Saints for works of service expanding the Kingdom of God, and that the body of Christ may be built up." Eph. 4:12 For more info