by Libby Huirua

September 2023

I have a strong sense today that God is wanting to change the mantles that some people are carrying and wearing. In a spiritual sense we think of a mantle as a grace on someone, an authority that has been given in a certain area, or a tick of approval confirming something we are doing. I believe we are in a season where God is changing mantles for some – new assignments are being presented and accepted, and the mantle has God’s empowering grace to wear it. Some may seem like they are moving into radically different assignments and directions, but there is a rightness in your heart as you accept these new Kingdom assignments. God’s favour and pleasure is attached to these new mantles!

The dictionary definition of ‘mantle’ is a loose sleeveless cloak or cape, something that envelops, covers or conceals.

As I felt the Lord say that He is changing mantles, I sensed that there are some who have been wearing a mantle that He never intended for them to wear, and this mantle has concealed and enveloped so much of the person that it has stifled and almost crushed them under the weight. It has been a heavy, oppressive cloak. It sounded good, it looked right, and it even felt like it fit at first, but as the person began to walk in the steps they felt they were meant to take, the mantle became heavier and heavier, until they were bowed down and burdened by the weight. What they thought was a good mantle, was actually inhibiting their movement and growth.

And I sensed the peace, and tender care of Jesus coming to that person and saying, “I never asked you to wear that mantle!” And I saw Him lift it off, with a smile of love and understanding on His face. He rubbed the raw shoulders with a healing balm, and then replaced it with a new mantle – a new covering that didn’t conceal or hide, but actually gave freedom to move and soar in His purposes.

Whether your current assignment is coming to an end, or you have been bowed down under a heavy burden, I believe that God is changing the mantle. Ask Him what that means for you today. He knows what He is doing, and where and how He wants you to move in Him!



Libby Huirua loves Jesus. Her passion for Jesus, and for prophetic encounters in His presence, has allowed her to minister and lead worship all over the world for decades. Libby is an ordained minister with the Acts Churches of NZ, and on the pastoral staff of Equippers Church Auckland (home for 30+ years). She is also on the staff at Equippers College, where she and her husband Wayne direct the Worship Stream, training another generation of worship musicians and leaders.
Libby can be contacted at

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