


by Janet Chambers

This prophetic word was given at the NZ Council of Prophets gathering in Christchurch, March 2023.

I saw the word “Convergence” and saw clouds and winds from two different directions converge horizontally, forming a great storm front with lightnings and thunder.
 In weather when winds of different temperatures and humidity converge horizontally, turbulence occurs, air is forced to rise, water droplets form and heavy rain results. On the earth when continental plates converge land mass rises and earthquakes result. In either case, a storm front or an earthquake result from convergence, and I felt that both are imminent in the spiritual realm as well.

Within the convergence zone of 2023 I saw many things converging, many appeared contradictions. Scriptures of “He sets a table in the midst of my enemies” Psa 23:5, and “gross darkness and glory”, as in Isa 60:2, come to mind, where we see these types of contradictions. I saw in particular:

  • Unprecedented miracles will meet a wave of unprecedented need – physical healings, financial miracles, miracles of provision, because of dire need. 

  • It will be “The best of days in the worst of times”. 

  • It is God’s heart for a convergence of apostolic leaders and houses to come together 
in great humility, establishing deep covenantal relationships, working together in 
powerful alliances, allegiance and synergy. 

  • A convergence of generations, marching together, working together – Mal 4:6 .

  • Great evil and evil intent will be converging and colliding with the opposing forces of 
great power and glory of God and the unprecedented prayer and unity of His people. 

  • There will be a convergence of the five-fold offices coming together and working and 
strategising together. 

The principle seen in Josh 2:13-15, where the different tribes were commanded to help their brothers to fight together to achieve the taking of their full inheritance, is very applicable in this time.

11:11 has still been appearing for many – it refers to the awakening, but also God revealed that it is a visual sign of two walking side by side. We must “awake to the power of unity”. I believe the Lord is commanding unity, so that He can command the blessing, Psa133.

Humility will be one of the most essential elements needed in this season for the purposes of God to be achieved. It will enable the blessing because it will facilitate the unity necessary for the blessing to be commanded from heaven. 

I saw a massive army advancing. When the command for “Attention!” was given they in great unison fell to their knees in prayer, then as the command for “Advance!” was shouted they all arose and went forward a few metres. Again the command of “Attention!” was given and united they fell to their knees in a position of humility and prayer. This kept repeating and appeared to be the only way to advance during the season upon them.

There is a call for moving together, praying together, and advancing together, to a level that is unprecedented. The days that we are in command it. He commands it. Humility must be one of our most valued and sought for commodities in this season for victory to happen.

I had a dream that showed a time when all the power aspects of the previous moves of God would converge, and God would orchestrate, in a great crescendo of power, many of the powerful elements of each move to manifest simultaneously.
 In the dream there were several orchestras that would be playing together in harmony, but first there was the need of sitting at His feet in preparation for the big event.

The cry of Josh.3:5 “consecrate yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you” is very loud in my spirit still. We are still in the season of the “Cleaning of the Trumpets”, the cleansing of the prophetic voices and mouthpieces of the Lord in the land. Consecrate yourselves. There is a great emphasis on us setting ourselves apart. Getting ready, and taking responsibility, is our part – again, humility is key.

Key words


  • We are to seek greater understanding of the covenantal promises that apply to us, 
our children, and our nations. 

  • We are to passionately seek out God-ordained key relationships – to build 
deep, meaningful, deliberate, covenantal partnerships in order for the purposes of 
God to be achieved in this season.


  • We are to take responsibility on a new level for our personal preparation, with humility of heart being key. 

  • We are to deliberately take a stance of humility in prayer and partnership.


  • There is a convergence of apparent contradictions, a convergence of times, a convergence of the moves of God, a convergence of world staged events and Kingdom dynamics hitting “head on” – expect tumult and shaking.

Action Points:

  • Take time aside for soul-searching and deep prayer – consecrate ourselves. 

  • Seek God’s heart for the alignments, the holy partnerships, allegiances, and 
energetically facilitate these as they are critical and strategic for this season. 

  • Seek strategies for forming larger prayer movements and gatherings. Multiple times 
of seeking His face in humility, then advancing with strategic insight, will occur, and they will be done 
on a grand scale. 

  • Don't be fearful or intimidated by the occurrences on the earth – political, economic 
or otherwise. Understand that there is a convergence of good and evil, darkness and light, “best of days in the worst of times” – this shall occur before the return of the KING. 



Janet and her husband Wesley have been senior leaders of Living Waters Christian Centre, Christchurch, for 23 years.

Janet ministers nationally and internationally as a teacher/prophet and has a passion for people to hear the heart of God for their lives , cities and nations. She loves to see them rise up and be agents of change for the Kingdom of God. 

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