


by Lyn Packer

July 2020

The following are two prophetic words the Lord has given me relating to the coming governmental elections in New Zealand later this year.

July 31st


Recently I read a statement that challenged me and as I prayed into it, a prophetic word began to form. It’s a word I believe is for the church right now as we prepare to go into the elections and the years ahead of us. Here’s that prophetic word

I believe the Lord is saying – The church, as a whole and as individuals, must come to understand that while it is necessary to hold our government accountable, it is equally important that in our own relationships with each other, we exemplify the leadership values we wish to see in our national leaders, namely justice, integrity and trust. We cannot afford to think that we can call the government or nation to live at a higher standard of integrity, justice and trust, than we ourselves do.

Over these past few months, God has been calling us to assess our lives. Are we truly living as His children? Are we living a life of integrity in every area of our life? Are we people who practice justice - treating people fairly and rightly, not holding things against them, forgiving, and living without prejudice, treating others as we ourselves want to be treated? Are we people that our community counts as trustworthy? Can the church be trusted to love well, treat each other kindly, and care for those around us?

If we hold our politicians or the nation to a higher standard than we ourselves are prepared to live - we become hypocrites.

We need to make sure these last few months of assessment count. It's time for the children of God to rise and shine, it's time for their glory to be revealed and during this preparation time God is doing a deep work in that so we live what we believe and truly offer the communities we live in, "life in all it's fullness in Christ."

July 24th


I've had several people ask me what God is saying to me as a prophet, about the elections. Here's my response - as I've prayed over the past few months I've felt the Lord is saying the following -

“Many Christians are looking to the elections to be the answer to their prayers but the elections will not be the answer they are looking for.

Some Christians want Christian parties or Christian men and women to be in government for the right reasons - so that righteousness, justice, etc will have a voice in parliament and because they want to see true justice established in the nation.

However some Christians have impure motives - they want Christian parties to be elected so that they can try and force righteousness (their view of it) on the nation by seeing certain laws overturned or certain new laws passed. While those laws are unrighteous and do need changing it will not be achieved best by force.

Other Christians want to see Christian parties and Christian representation in parliament because they are angry and believe their rights and the rights of others are being violated. But anger over violated rights alone is not a good motive - love must be the underlying thing that motivates above all else.

While laws that protect are good and necessary - righteousness cannot be fully effective when it is legislated and forced on people, and politics and laws cannot ever fully establish righteousness in a nation. There must be a desire for truth and righteousness. Living righteously is an inside to outside style of living - from having changed hearts to outworking changed lives. When this happens then they will live righteously, working for the good of others not just to protect their "rights".”

The above is what I've felt the Lord share with me, but I am only one prophet, and what I've share is only what I've heard and processed through with the Lord.

The following comments are my personal thoughts.

In centuries past, it was the church who established hospitals, cared for the widows and poor, started schools, fought for the rights of the oppressed, etc. now we have largely come to believe these things are the job of the government. We've handed over our commissioned-by God role as stewards and carers for the earth and humanity to others rather than taking personal responsibility for doing so. We want the government to do it all for us and believe our vote or getting a Christian party into parliament is the thing that will get us what we want.

Yes we need Christians in government, people who are called there for the right reasons, to be a voice for a part of society that needs a voice in that place, to be a voice of truth and righteousness - we do need that.

We should definitely vote and we should vote for righteous people. Those who are full of wisdom as Daniel was, who can hear God clearly as Joseph did and who will stand up for what is right, at the right time, as Esther did. People whose private lives have shown they have learnt wisdom and can manage their own lives and finances well and are people who love well - who daily walk out that love of God, people and the country we live in.



Lyn is recognised as a Prophet within New Zealand and other nations she’s ministered in. Her ministry is revelatory and catalytic, propelling people into encounter with God. The governmental prophetic gift she carries is expressed through prophetic, revelatory insight and strategy, prophetic words (personal, corporate and national), teaching, art, and writing. Click here for more info...

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