


by Ian Johnson

February 2023

In a waking dream I saw a barren land – a land full of destruction and decay – then suddenly my attention was drawn to figures arising out of the decay and the desolation; they gathered in groups of three, in groups of five, and they gathered in groups of seven. None of them were large groups, but there were a lot of them right across the desert, right across the places of destruction. I saw people standing together, heads bowed in a sound of simple prayer, and then, as they prayed without ceasing, I noticed that the seeds of Eden were falling on a dry, barren and desolate land, and those small groups began to cause a restoration.

In the natural, the restoration looked impossible. There was a desert of dry mud and desolation and destruction everywhere you could look, but because of the sound of the twos, the fives, and the sevens rising up with a voice before God and saying, “Hear our cry, O God. We have no hope but You!” I saw the mercy of God, the hand of God, begin to restore the dry and the barren land. In the natural it will take years to restore that which has been destroyed in New Zealand.

The land looks desolate, looks barren, looks dry, and looks destroyed. But with the twos, the fives, and the sevens beginning to cry out to God I saw that the mercy of God was hovering over the land and ready to act in the midst of the tremendous destruction that is upon the land of New Zealand at the moment.

I am calling for the twos, for the fives, and for the sevens to begin to cry out unto the Lord just in small groups, not organised groups. They were random right through the middle of everywhere that was destroyed, and as they stood with heads bowed, crying out to God, the seeds of Eden were restoring the land.


Prayer is not just us coming to God with a list of requests. As part of our relationship with Him, it is us having a conversation with the Lord, which involves talking and listening on both sides. The following prayer points are some things you can talk to Him about in regards to this prophetic word.

  • Pray for those whose homes and livelihoods have been destroyed by the recent floods, that they would turn their faces toward the Lord and ask for His help in rebuilding.

  • Pray that a supernatural grace would be upon the rebuilding, and that the land would be restored to health quickly.

  • Pray for the churches throughout our nation to be places of hope and restorative help to the displaced and to those who need help.



Ian Johnson is an itinerant prophetic revelator and revivalist from Auckland, teaching and activating with fresh mana from the Word. He and his wife, Joye, minister together, encouraging the body of Christ to move into revival and the Glory realm.

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